Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Life For Hire

Finally exams are over, even though i won't do that well, i am not daunted by it.. I am taking it too easily i guess.. Before my exam ends, i was occupied with overwhelming thoughts, so much so that one would feels an assorted variety of emotions at the same moment.. It just crashes your mind, and before one knows it, it malfunctioned..

Why things turned out this way, this still perturbs me after so long, i fucking hate it.. It's like a tug at my heartstring whenever i am browsing through my memory bank.. It is as if memories of you occupies the most prominent room just by the corridor, Influx of memories often revolves around you somehow, but i know that all these won't revert back, its like a widening gap that can't be mend.. I kinda hate the fact that i still hope to talk to you but its impossible anymore.. Why had all these had to happened? Totally screwed..

Lets not drown this post with solitude and sorrowness, that is if, any was sensed.. Currently, its holiday, so i have planned a routine for myself.. Hopefully i can achieve what i planned.. Hopefully i have work as well..

Everyday, Guitar.. Tuesday - Learn guitar from friend as well.. Read more novels.. Every saturday jog and stuff in the morning.. Every night it will be drama series.. Hopefully, i am able to find job so that it could fund me for tons of things like trips to taiwan, ITP(Vietnam), japan, and of course, SLR.. TRUCKLOAD OF WISHLIST NOW, how i wish i strike lottery or have tons of job opening for me.. Anyone, hire me please.. =D PROJECT S.A.V.E!

Tml it shall be another day out, I wonder how am i supposed to achieve this project save.. Grrr.. Nvm, i shall start another bank account and deposit my money inside.. =D My funds for good stuff.. =D Shall end it here.. =) Be back soon.. =)))
What wouldn't be of me without you.
P.S. I think i am losing more than i am gaining..

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