Monday, August 29, 2011

Under The Influence

People that have affected me. I shall not talk about my family because its apparent that they have influenced me since young. In this post, it will be of people that i hang around with or know of that have made an impact in my life.

My artistic friend, Jian Wei, even though we don't hang out together at all, but just by looking at his artwork and whats not, it always make me feel like i got to draw and i am pretty thankful for the fact i even met him in my secondary school, a certain someone that i wanna be, someone musically and artistically inclined. I got to say, looking at his secondary school drawing makes me want to mimic his drawings. hehe.

To Evangeline, honestly, i felt that i lose a really good friend and i might never get you back, when i type this, its almost definite. haha. But i really like your company, the incessant talks and what's not that we had, how i subconsciously roll my eyes now. Even now when its someone else, i would try to find similarities between them and you. It felt like a part of me have never moved on, it lingers, waiting and waiting.

Andrik, the master of sensuality has definitely opened my world to a less innocent world than i would have thought, changed the way i speak and face people, for better or worse, i still love this big boy. A motivator like him paired with quirkiness.

You exposed me to sexuality and every single time this topic is up, be it in shows or through chatters, you flashed into my mind, and honestly, i hate every single guy friends that you have, but its okay since i have moved on. You may have scarred me but a man without scars ain't a real man.

Jia Wei, the guy that i got close to after secondary school, thanks for exposing me to the vast interest that you have, which makes me become a person with much more interest than before, even if it's all short-lived. lol. We fancy the same stuff more or less, like vintage and whats not, and as much as your attitude might come off as a little hypocritical or what, it doesn't matter, because your other qualities made up for it.

Julien, the hyperactive girl that remains in contact with me after so long. Oh, i mean temporary acquaintance as i won't even hear from her whenever she gets herself a boyfriend. A pretty sweet girl that is ever so busy with friends and the one that connects me to Jia Wei. Sometimes i wonder how she keep up with having so many friends and ever so busy schedule. I admit sometimes you annoy me with your foolishness but somehow we are still hanging out together.

As for you Hui Min, honestly, you annoy me with your ever so frequent tardiness and your ditching. Oh, not forgetting to say how hard it is to return after you borrowed something from me, honestly, none of the things i lend you, have i ever taken it back. So FUCK your life. you taught me that girls like you are always late, so i shouldn't be early, for you especially, i don't really feel bad when i am late meeting you. Call that retribution.

Last but not least, Pearle, one that is there to carry me when i am too lazy to move on, the one who taught me much about the people and influence me just by her words. Damn girl. In retrospect, i wouldn't have hang out with many if not for her. As promised, all is due by the end of today. ;)

But still, i got to thank society for shaping the best of me, or worst, whatever you guys deem i am, because you know without you assholes, i wouldn't be as awesome as i am.
On this day, i pledge, to be someone awesome.

Baby, Its Fact

Due to the backlog that i am facing, i have decided to clear all of it today!

Instead of having 2 different post, i have decided to combine it into one as i am not a food critic. Just trying to write it down for my future reference.

So i went for brunch at Wild Honey with Jia Wei & his sister(shamelessly tag along but we forgive her, as quoted from Jia Wei). We reached at 1130 but we were only given seats at 1230, roughly an hour's wait on a Sunday. The place is quite small(space limited) so i would recommend anyone who wants to eat there to reserve a seat instead of being a walk-in customer. The price of the food is pretty decent, at least for the English breakfast that i had, its so filling and the BACON is awesome. Pardon my carnal desire for pigs. Nawt, just kidding. For brunch at least, the whole place is as bustling as can be, fast-paced so you can't really lay back and relax. After eating, the only thing i feel like doing is to lay down and sleep. I am leading my life like a sloth, its sad, time to start calibrating my body clock and to train up for NS before i rot inside.

This aside, i just want to do up a list of facts about myself.
I think i am easily swayed by what people says, as much as i try not to be affected but somehow, words just seep pass my core fortitude and manifest itself.
I have weird thoughts like imagining how i would look like if i were to skin my own face and etc. Its like all these strange thoughts that makes me realised how weird i am and makes me agree with others that i am weird and different from the rest. I think i have the psychopath mentality.
Writer's block. I can't think of anything else as for now. I thought i have much to write, but i just can't seem to recall what i have in mind a few days ago.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i thought of one other fact, my confidence level is directly proportionate to the amount of money i have, so when i am only depleting my coffers without any input, my confidence level plunge straight down.
'Reality' is a relative concept.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Poker Face

I play for excitement.
Resist the temptation.
Poker has been pretty fun as of this point. It has been one of my two vices. Anyway, i have lost 100 bucks in a week for poker.
Some of my friends said i have been a aggressive poker player and it's hard to read whether i have decent cards or not, and some have been saying that i am easy to read and i like to spoil the market.
Fact is, i might be an aggressive player but i just seem to call 'All in' somehow, its like an addiction. It is just a stigma that there's no fun without any huge bets. Also, when i say all in before anyone does is because i know you guys will waste money if you all follow suit. I guess i wasn't really respecting the game, thus receiving karma.

Nelson said it is very exciting to play poker with me.
Nicholas said i am a very loose player and he likes me for it. lol.
KC said i have a very fixed style of playing. Like when i have cards that i can win with, i will play and give off an even stronger vibe than when i dun really have cards but still playing.
I am sorry Desmond, i will watch my play from now on, to prevent spoiling of market.
In the heat of passion, we do foolish stuff.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Have You Ever

I might be a lot of things, but when it counts, you can trust me.
Meet up with Daphne for dinner. Supposed to be dining at Broun, but seems like it has closed down, so we decided to try out Bar Bar Black Sheep. You got to give it to them, a cute and attractive name actually helps in getting business. tsk. Serving is actually pretty big and the price range is pretty wide but still i would say if you order the right stuff, it is affordable, very. Alcohol is reasonably priced, beer is pretty decent too, price and selection wise.
"I am cool in a weird way."
Oh, i kind of detest people chaffering, whats more yoke with those oh-so-big actions. Like seriously.(ijustrolledmyeyessubconsciously)

Suddenly i got a whole lot on my mind. I swear on my arms, in the future, if i even have one, i did have one room just to paint. I want painting to be one of the hobby that i know i did like, i just need to pursue it, however much it will frustrate me. Be it good or not, rich or poor. It did be a passion that i did chase. A forger i did make out of. That at least i did know that i have tried.
All's fair in love and war.
Usually, one hit wonders are the things that hit us most and leave us musing.
Would you want to have a masterpiece, or pieces that are just good but never good enough?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Dead Poet

An eighth of an inch above the shoes.
Love is a temporary madness,
it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides.
And when it subsides you have to make a decision.
You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together
that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.
Because this is what love is.
Love is not breathlessness,
it is not excitement,
it is not the promulgation of eternal passion.
That is just being "in love" which any fool can do.
Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away,
and this is both an art and a fortunate accident.
Those that truly love, have roots that grow towards each other underground,
and when all the pretty blossom have fallen from their branches,
they find that they are one tree and not two.
- Louis de Bernieres
Time to don the suit and pick up the pace. If it isn't now, when's a better time.