Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dawn of Anguish

Alrite, everything seems screwed for me, ppl seems kinda fucked up to me.. I get pissed off and frustrated easily.. Some things i realised, ppl come to you when they need help and when you needed help, they fool around with you and what's worse, some preach at you for FUCK SAKE and think they are fucking god damn matured.. SERIOUSLY, just fuck off and suck ur mother fucking pride up.. Oh, to continue with what i said, they FUCKING FOOL around with you and still not help you, divert you to someone else to seek for help.. ALL THESE FUCK UP PPL, JUST FUCK UR OWN LIFE and die.. Am i also fooling around too much that i am giving others the impression that i am merely air-headed, stupid, fucked up, irritating.. I think i am, so i should just shut the fuck up and be serious from now on..

I finally found something, and somehow after reading it, thoughts, memories started gushing into me yet again.. FUCKED.. Is it because of me? I hope not.. Shouldnt have gone so far, so we wouldnt fall so hard.. Maybe its just me.. Nevertheless, i just hope you will have more friends and enjoy your great life.. =)

Maybe i am losing friends faster than i expect, or maybe i should say, realising i am losing friends.. WHAT THE FUCK do i really want? I am just too frustrated to study for my exams.. FUCK!
Unravel the obscure. Memory lapse.

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