Sunday, April 4, 2010

Summer Loves

Updates & Accomplishment in my life for this holiday. (Constantly Edited)

1. Club on the 27/3 with Jeremy and Violet, it was quite fine. Rebel: clean and troubleless night. =D
2. Club again on the 31/3 with the usual clubbing clique, yet again, Rebel. =D Nearly got into trouble yet again, somehow, i am like some fight magnet.
3. Rebel nite out yet again on the 14/4 with the usual. ;) Pretty decent for the nite. And i realised, throughout this itp, thursday is cursed, am always late.
4. Celebrated Desmond Birthday on the 3th of April, totally awesome, super awesome crab and wine drinking. Not forgetting the durian session.
5. Done with 'Veronika Decides To Die'
6. Soon to be done with 'Catch-22'
7. Aint gonna club anytime soon, hopefully. I know, abstain from drinking is impossible. Spot on by violet. tsk. (ALL TALK!) (FAILED BADLY!) TSK!
8. Having dates with ppl every week. =D All were good and fun.
9. Gotta start saving now! Splurging on food and unnecessary stuff will have to be reduced.
10. Shopping for clothes needs to be done soon. Basic tees maybe, since i am entering NS in a year time anyway. HAH!
The constant thought, the mindless ponder, the night dims, nothing changed. Totally bewildered by my own fallacies.

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